Man sitting on coach recovering after a dog bite

Recovering After a Dog Attack

Immediately following a dog attack, you will focus on getting medical attention, report the dog attack, and take care of your day-to-day needs. Once the shock is gone, you will need to take care of yourself to recover after your dog bite. Some dog attack victims may need repeated surgeries, others will need to deal with issues around disfigurement and scarring. You may wish to speak to a dog bite lawyer about pursuing compensation. 

Recovering After a Dog Bite can be Slow

Understand that your recovery will likely happen slower than you want it to. It will take time for your physical wounds to heal. You may need future surgeries, medical care, or physical therapy to help you recover. Be patient with yourself, discuss your pain and injuries openly with your doctor, and set realistic goals for your progression.

Following a hospital stay or recovering at home can be a challenging time as you begin to realize the full extent of what has happened to you and the many ways it will impact your life. Friends and family may offer help and it is best to take them up on it through your healing process. 

A Dog Bite Will Impact Your Finances

Your financial situation may be impacted by medical bills and lost wages if you need to take time off work. This can add to the stress and anxiety you are already feeling.

If you haven’t already, speak to an experienced dog bite lawyer to understand if you have a case to recover compensation from the dog owner or other responsible party.

In some cases, a dog bite can cause injuries that won’t allow you to go back to the same work you once did. This can add to your trauma as you figure out your next steps.

Emotional Wounds From a Dog Attack

Psychological wounds from your dog attack can be just as traumatic as physical wounds. You may suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a fear of dogs or social situations, anxiety, nightmares, or depression. The best action to take is to talk to someone. You can start with your primary care doctor and also seek the help of a mental health professional. 

Taking Steps to Feel Safe After a Dog Bite

Do what you need to do to feel safe. This might be carrying a whistle or first aid kit with you, avoiding the street where your dog attack happened, or not visiting with friends or family in houses where there are dogs present. That is ok. Take the steps you need to.

You may want to read about the signs a dog will display before they attack and steps to take if a dog does attack so you feel better prepared for any situation. This was not your fault but being prepared may make you feel more comfortable. 

It’s Critical to Attend All Health Care Appointments

Attending follow-up medical treatment appointments are critical to your recovery and your case. Make sure you attend all your doctor appointments and ask family and friends for help getting to and from them if it is challenging for you. 

A dog attack can be sudden, unpredictable, and traumatic. Healing will take time. Get the advice of an experienced dog bite lawyer to understand your rights and what steps you should take. 

Jeffrey H. Penneys is a compassionate lawyer that understands the trauma dog bite victims go through after a dog bite. If you are unable to travel to him, he practices and travels throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. If you’ve been bitten by a dog, talk to Jeffrey H. Penneys about your personal injury claim with a free consultation.

Photo by Alena Darmel from Pexels

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