Ferocious dog

Why You Need a Lawyer if You’re Bitten by a Vicious Dog

Ferocious dogIf you’re ever been unfortunate enough to find yourself embroiled in the legal system, one of the first things you must understand is that not all laws are the same. That is, each case and each type of case brings with it a myriad of particular procedures, case laws, and peculiarities that set it apart from every other case. This means that not all attorneys are equally suited for each individual case.

Attorney Practice Areas

Some attorneys choose a specific area of law to practice in. This experience provides a deeper and clearer understanding of that subject matter. That knowledge gives an advantage over opposing attorneys that practice more generally that may not have had exposure to as many cases. Further, some attorneys do not regularly practice law in a courtroom. If your dog bite claim goes to court, you’ll want a trial lawyer that is confident in front of a judge and jury.

Making the Case

Thousands of people are seriously injured and some are even killed each year in attacks by violent dogs. If you or a loved one has been in this situation, you deserve compensation for your injuries and suffering. For the best possible chance of reaching a fair and just settlement that brings you the compensation you deserve, you need the services of a law firm that knows the ins and outs of all things related to negligent dog owners. Since you cannot bring a claim against an offending animal, it’s the lawyer’s job to establish a path and connect the dots that illustrate to a jury how the owner’s actions, or lack thereof, led to the attack. Only by doing this will a verdict or settlement be reached in your favor.

The Dog Bite Law Specialty

Dogs are masters of escape and are often able to outsmart and elude even the most diligent owner. The dog owner’s attorney will do everything possible to convince a jury that there was nothing the person could have done to prevent the attack. It’s the job of a lawyer with years of dog bite case experience to punch holes in that argument and demonstrate to the jury how the incident could have been prevented. Only then will it be possible to receive the compensation that you deserve.

Make Them Take Responsibility

Dog attacks are serious threats that can always be prevented. By bringing a case against a negligent dog owner, you’re not only fighting for what you deserve, but you’re also potentially preventing the same thing from happening to someone else. Each time a dog owner is punished for not taking adequate measures to protect the public from his animal, it sends a message to other dog owners, who will perhaps be more careful.

Call Us and Let Us Help

If you’ve suffered a loss or an injury due to a dog bite, call today at 215-771-0431 or fill out our online contact form, and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

Keep in mind that there is a statute of limitations for personal injury claims so don’t delay. The sooner you contact Jeffrey Harlan Penneys, Esq., the sooner we can begin building a successful dog bite case to win you compensation that will help you in your recovery.

Updated November 23, 2021

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