dog bite lawsuit to recover punitive damages

How To Start A Dog Bite Lawsuit In Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania is a strict liability state in which dog owners are liable for the injury damages their dog inflicts on the victim, and the subsequent loss of income that may result from these injuries. In 2023, the average cost of dog bite lawsuits in Pennsylvania was $64,555.

Starting a dog bite lawsuit can feel intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Having a trusted dog bite lawyer on your side can make a difficult process much easier to go through. Seeking medical attention for your dog bite injuries is where attention should go initially following a dog attack. After receiving immediate attention to injuries, you may begin to focus on starting a dog bite lawsuit. After being bitten by a dog, the dog owner should be held liable.

Recovering compensation is often a driving factor for a dog bite lawsuit. An experienced dog bite attorney will work with you to determine your dog bite claim amount based on the circumstances of your dog attack. This is often an area dog bite victims are interested in learning about for their case. 

Once a medical professional has made initial treatments of your injuries, your attention will turn to compensation for those injuries and other losses suffered due to the dog attack. Use this guide to take the steps to get the compensation you deserve after a dog attack. 

1. Take A Moment To Write Out Your Account Of What Happened

This will help you to capture the details before forgetting them. Writing out the incident can also help you to put everything into perspective. Were the injuries serious? Did you need to take time off work? Do you have ongoing pain? This can help you determine if you want to pursue litigation for the damage caused to you. It can also crystallize the extent of the damages from dog attack injuries.

2. Gather Your Evidence And Paperwork

To support your dog bite claim, collect medical records, information of the dog owner, homeowner insurance or renters insurance, reports to the police or animal control, photos such as where the dog attack happened or the clothing worn, witness contact details, records of time off work, and anything else that will support your dog bite case. 

3. Contact A Dog Bite Lawyer About Starting A Dog Bite Lawsuit

Navigating the Pennsylvania legal system on your own will be difficult if you don’t have the background and experience to do so. Find a dog bite attorney who will work on your behalf to sue for a dog bite. Choose a dog bite attorney that specializes in dog bite cases. Look for someone with courtroom experience if you expect the dog bite case won’t settle through negotiations and will move to a dog bite lawsuit.

4. Be Available to Your Dog Bite Lawyer

Once you’ve hired a dog bite attorney, they will begin working on your case and collecting evidence. Be available and communicate in a way that works for you and the attorney to bring your case to a successful conclusion.  Continue taking photos of injuries as they heal, record your pain and the emotional impact and how the dog attack has affected you day to day.   

5. Be patient

A dog bite lawsuit can take some time. Gathering evidence, running investigations, paperwork through the legal system, negotiations with insurance companies can all take time. Likely more time than you want it to take and it can sometimes feel frustrating. 

Dog Bite Attorney By Your Side in a Dog Bite Lawsuit

If you’d like to start a dog bite lawsuit, Jeffrey H. Penneys provides a free consultation. He has extensive experience with dog bite law throughout Pennsylvania and is ready to take on your dog bite case. Contact him 24/7 at 215-771-0430 to discuss a dog bite lawsuit. 

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